V i n a

Vinarija Dulka je jedna od najstarijih vinarija u Srbiji. Njen istorijat seže u 1920. godinu, kada su pradedovi preuzeli posao od svojih roditelja i postali deo tada velike Zadruge proizvođača vina u Sremskim Karlovcima. Danas, četvrta i peta generacija ove porodične vinarije nastavljaju tradiciju.

B e l a v i n a

A carefully curated selection that brings the unique flavors of our vineyard. The wines are crafted to express the character and complexity of our vineyard.

C r v e n a v i n a

These wines exemplify the distinctiveness of our cool-climate. The harvest, a bit later than seasonal averages, began after mid-September with healthy and fragrant grapes.

R o z e

A carefully curated selection that brings the unique flavours of our vineyard. The wines are crafted to express the character and complexity of our vineyard.

R a k i j e

These wines exemplify the distinctiveness of our cool-climate. The harvest, a bit later than seasonal averages, began after mid-September with healthy and fragrant grapes.